Closing Calculators

Closing Calculators

How Much!

That’s the magic question all our buyers and sellers want to know.  How much is my new home really going to cost me?  How much will I actually receive from the sale of my home?  These are important questions and ones that these interactive calculators and Your Lawyers can assist you with throughout the process.

You have to pay the piper and in residential closings there are quite a few pipers to pay. Title companies, lenders, surveyors, inspectors, appraisers, realtors, and lawyers all get paid for the services they provide.  Of course, the State of Illinois, your County and most municipalities grab a percentage of most deals and don’t forget the tax prorations to cover the portion of the real estate taxes that were due but not payable. 

Prior to making an offer to purchase or sell a home, use this page to get a better handle on your bottom line.  Our closing calculators are more helpful than the most other available closing calculators in that they based on on the inputed price our computer automatically calculate your estimated real estate commission, the Illinois Cook County and Chicago transfer taxes, real estate prorated tax credits, prorated association assessments, and title charges.   We have also included a handy link to obtain your particular Village or City’s transfer tax information for those closings outside of Chicago.

Just input the numbers and dates on the left side of each calculator and the right side will give you a better estimate of your bottom line.*   Once you have retained Your Lawyers, we can help you firm up these estimates.

These figures and calculations are estimates and are intended solely to be helpful in  understanding the possible closing costs involved generally in a residential real estate transaction in Cook County Illinois. There are, however, many factors that may affect these estimates.  Before signing any documents or depositing or receiving any money preparatory to entering into a real estate contract, you should consult with an attorney of your choice to ensure that your rights are properly protected.