Lead poisoning is preventable
Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention
Lead Disclosure Rule
EPA Required Disclosure booklet
Lead Based Paint Disclosure
According to the Illinois Department of Public Health, lead poisoning, the No. 1 environmental illness of children, is caused primarily by lead-based paint in older homes. Illinois has higher rates of lead poisoning among its children than any other state in the nation. In 2008, more than 5,000 Illinois children were identified with elevated blood lead levels. The most common exposure to lead by children is through the ingestion of paint chips and contaminated dust from deteriorated or disturbed lead-based paint in homes built before 1978.
Sellers are required to disclose if they are aware of unsafe concentrations or conditions of lead paint. Any disclosure or findings from the buyer’s home inspector should be immediately addressed. Not only can lead in your home affect your family’s health, but you will be required to disclose this issue when you sell the home in the future. Any questions, call Your Lawyer.